*Cheese. ...Wait, what?

Yep, you read correctly, I have been making all of you wait for a blog post for 5 1/2  months, (because I know you've been dying to read a new post) only to write about cheese.

This may seem strange, or even stupid, and the truth is, it probably is. But have you ever thought about what cheese really is?

Some guy on TV once said, "cheese is just a controlled spoilage." I began to think, isn't that just like people?

A cheese-maker spends a good deal of time creating the perfect combination of milk and flavorings for the best cheese they can make. And yet, they willingly succumb their masterpiece to the will of plain old, disgusting, smelly, mold. Which, when left to it's own devices, can destroy the strongest of structures. This is just like sin. When we come in contact with sin, (which we do from the moment of conception) it comes over us, it infects us and contaminates us. Just like a wall ravaged by mold, the outside looks fine, or even beautiful, but on the inside it is dirty, smelly, and even dangerous.

We live in a fallen world, one that has sin swirling around us in a constant barrage heading straight for our hearts. We can do our absolute best to fight against it and defend ourselves. We can go to church, attend a Christian School or University, go to Bible Studies, have Christian friends, watch Christian movies, listen to Christian music, the list goes on and on. But even after all these things, on our own we still stand essentially defenseless to the powers of the devil.

Fortunately for us, we have a Savior that was willing to die on the cross for our "mold". He took the evil that was contaminating our souls, and controlled it, making it even better than it was before. Just like a good cheese-maker knows exactly how to age the perfect piece of cheese, God can take us, complete with our sin, and change us into a brand new person, one that is far greater than the original.

...Maybe I should change the name of my blog to "more than just mold"...

Thanks for reading!



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